Audels New Radiomans Guide (1945)

THIS BOOK, the author believes, will be of the utmost service, not only to the student and radio-electrician, but to anyone who wishes to be informed on this important field of science.
Radio equipment cannot be serviced or maintained by any predetermined set of rules or formulae, but it is necessary rather to understand the principles of elec-tricity, radio and sound.

The main object throughout has been to présent as briefly and clearly as possible a progressively arranged treatise with spécial emphasis on the fundamentals of radio, upon which ail knowledge necessarily rests. In view of the importance of radio in the field of air and marine transportation, several chapters dealing with marine and aircraft communications as well as the principles of the automatic alarm and the radio compass have been included.

It is hoped that the numerous illustrative examples which are introduced throughout the book, may in con-junction with the data supplied, suggest proper treat-ment of practical problems in design of radio apparatus.



Radio Principles
Physics of Sound
Radio Fundamentals and Ohm's Law
Review Questions and Answers
Radio Batteries
Electrical Measuring Instruments
Power Supply Units
Resistors, Inductors and Condensers
Broadcasting Stations
Principles of Radio Telephony
Vacuum Tubes
Radio Receivers
Radio Circuit Diagrams
Radio Receiver Construction
Control Systems
Loud Speakers
Antenna Systems
Automobile Antennas
Phonograph Pick-Ups
Public Address Systems
Aircraft Radio
Marine Radio Equipment
The Radio Compass
Radio Beacons
Automatic Radio Alarm
Short Wjave Receiver Principles
Coil Calculations
Frequency Modulation
Electronic Television
Radio Testing
Cathode Ray Oscillographs
Radio Trouble Pointers and Interférence Suppression
Photoelectric Cells
Phototube Amplifiers
Phototube Relays
Application of Electronic Devices
Underwriter's Standard
Units and Tables

Audels New Radiomans Guide (1945).pdf

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